
Summary image
  1. Confidentiality and privacy are important legal and ethical concepts and it is important to understand how they apply to your work, and where to find additional information about your role in meeting requirements.
  2. There are some situations where you might need to breach privacy and confidentiality requests made by a person and disclose information to another person, agency or organisation.
  3. Education, peer support and respite are all services which can help a carer to meet their own needs and help reduce the potential negative impacts of caring, once these have been identified.
  4. Discrimination and other issues can affect carers and their ability to continue to provide care. It is important you understand discrimination and how to avoid discriminating against carers and also to think about what you can do to advocate and provide information to help reduce the effects of discrimination.
  5. Many carers experience poor physical and emotional health during their role providing care for others, and as a group they tend to have reduced wellbeing across many areas compared with the rest of the population.
  6. Assistance and information about meeting personal goals and maintaining lifestyles can be useful in helping carers achieve better personal outcomes for themselves.