3A Respect confidentiality and privacy

A female care workerConfidentiality and privacy are two extremely important concepts in community services work. You need to understand these concepts in a broad sense and also be prepared to learn more about the practicalities of how they are applied in individual work situations. Confidentiality and privacy requirements vary depending on a number of factors, such as the age of the person with whom you are working, the type of information or task and your own role in the situation. Your supervisor should be able to guide you in how to apply organisational policies and procedures related to privacy and confidentiality in your workplace, particularly in situations involving children.

Confidentiality and privacy can refer both to the collection and use of information and also to specific tasks which are performed. For example, you might collect information about a carer or person receiving services on a form which should then be stored in a way which protects confidentiality. You may also need to think about privacy when you are meeting with a person to discuss sensitive issues – consider actions like closing the door or holding the meeting in a private space, rather than a public area. You should also be prepared to undertake ongoing learning in this area, as legislation and frameworks or standards do change from time to time, so you cannot assume that what you learn now about privacy and confidentiality will remain unchanged.