
Summary image
  1. How you interact with people with support needs has an impact on their health and wellbeing, as well as their overall quality of life. Developing trusting relationships with the individual is an important part of providing quality care.
  2. We all have our own views and values. They affect how we behave, how we get along with others and our work. It’s important to be aware of our own views and values and how these might impact on provision of quality services.
  3. Everyone is different. You need to have a positive attitude that helps you treat each person as an individual. Help other workers who hold stereotypes about people with care needs to change their attitude.
  4. Interests and activities are important for all people. Support workers should encourage and help people in receipt of services to continue with their hobbies and interests.
  5. People who use the service can change the way it runs. They do this by making choices. Your role is to ensure the individual has all the necessary information to enable them to make informed decisions.
  6. People all age differently. Some will remain physically active. Others need medical care for a long time. It is important to think about the different needs people have when you are supporting them.
  7. A support worker must ensure the person with care needs has every possible chance to develop their social and recreational networks. To do this you must firstly assist the person to identify their interests, abilities and requirements, then plan and implement the various activities.