Topic 3: Work with groups to achieve community development outcomes

Group of people in discussionCommunity development projects must be carefully planned in consultation with the community. One of the first steps involves workers carrying out a community needs analysis. This involves conducting research to develop a community profile based on statistical and demographic data and obtaining information from individuals and groups in the community.

Once community needs are identified, you can facilitate action by helping groups plan strategies for addressing their concerns. You will need to identify community structures and resources that can be used to support action and develop strategies for keeping all key players informed about new opportunities and issues related to the community development process.

In this topic you will learn how to:

3A Research and analyse community priorities
3B Identify and document shared community priorities within the public group processes
3C Plan appropriate strategies in collaboration with the group to ensure community priorities are addressed
3D Document community structures and resources available to maximise outcomes for groups
3E Provide advice and information to groups and individuals as required to ensure they are fully informed about relevant issues and opportunities
3F Advocate and lobby for community-based outcomes
3G Manage group dynamics, facilitate discussions and engagements processes
3H Review and modify own work practice within a community development framework